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The number of container ships installed with desulfurization towers has increase
uptime:2020-11-19   view:3787

reference: https://new.qq.com/rain/a/20201029A0FDGR00

According to the latest data from shipping data provider Alphaliner, so far, a total of 652 ships have installed scrubber equipment, and since the beginning of 2020, 395 ships have installed scrubbers.

According to the company's data, of the 395 ships that have newly installed scrubbers in the past few years, 328 have undergone scrubber modification operations, while the remaining 67 ships have been installed by new ships.

In addition, 9 cargo ships are undergoing scrubber modification.

Alphaliner said that among the top ten container shipping companies, MSC and Matuji have the highest proportion of container ships installed with scrubbers, which are 1.657 million TEU and 1.221 million TEU respectively. However, in terms of the percentage of total capacity, HMM’s ships have the highest proportion of installed scrubbers, at 80%.


At present, the installation of scrubbers on container ships is relatively more popular.

According to Alphaliner, nearly 100 ships under Maersk have installed scrubbers. Although Maersk CEO Søren Skou previously called the installation of scrubbers a "stupid idea", the number of scrubbers installed on Maersk's container ships has now ranked second among container shipping companies.


