• New Instrument Calibrations: Calibrate your newly purchased item before it is shipped. Contact our customer service for a wide selection of test and measurement instruments.
• Recalibration Services: Ship your existing instrument to our lab for recalibration. We clean, calibrate, and quickly return your equipment—with documentation—to keep your business running smoothly.
• On-Site Services: With our network of labs, LEN can offer the same high quality calibration services at your facility.
BWMS Calibration Services
IMO Requirements - BWM.2/Circ.43/Rev.1
The equipment manufacturer shall provide equipment for calibration to check the performance of BWMS components in the renewal inspection according to the manufacturer's instructions. For ease of inspection, a calibration certificate showing the date of the last calibration shall be available on board. Only the manufacturer or a person authorized by the manufacturer shall perform the accuracy check.
2013 VGP Requirements
At a minimum, all applicable sensors and other equipment must be calibrated annually. Additionally, all applicable sensors and other control equipment must be calibrated no less frequently than recommended by the sensor or other equipment manufacturer, or by the ballast water treatment system manufacturer or when warranted based on device drift from a standard or calibrated setting. EPA expects many sensor types (e.g., pH probes, TRO sensors, turbidity sensors) will need to be calibrated on a more frequent basis. Calibration of the sensors and equipment can be conducted on-board the vessel or they can be removed and shipped to the manufacturer or other vendor for calibration. During the period when the sensors are not installed (or otherwise inoperable thus significantly compromising the performance of the ballast water treatment system), the vessel must not discharge ballast water.

EGCS Calibration Services
IMO Requirements - MEPC.259(68)
The sensors to be used in evaluating EGC system performance and washwater monitoring, their service, maintenance and calibration requirements;
The analysers to be used, their service, maintenance, and calibration requirements;
Analyser zero and span check procedures; and
Other information or data relevant to the correct functioning of the monitoring systems or its use in demonstrating compliance.
2013 VGP Requirements
All continuous monitoring equipment must be calibrated as recommended by probe manufacturers or Exhaust Gas scrubber manufacturers. At a minimum, all probes must be calibrated at least annually. EPA expects many probe types (e.g., turbidity probes) will need to be calibrated on a more frequent basis.
Bilge Water Alarm Device
IMO Requirements - MEPC.107(49)
The accuracy of the 15 ppm Bilge Alarms should be checked at IOPP Certificate renewal surveys according to the manufacturers instructions. Alternatively the unit may be replaced by a calibrated 15 ppm Bilge Alarm. The calibration certificate for the 15 ppm Bilge Alarm, certifying date of last calibration check, should be retained onboard for inspection purposes. The accuracy checks can only be done by the manufacturer or persons authorized by the manufacturer.
2013 VGP Requirements
You calibrate your OCM at least annually (calibrations during a vessel survey meet this requirement), and your OCM never reads above 5 ppm during discharges into waters subject to this permit. If this information is recorded in the oil record book, you need not record these data in other recordkeeping documentation.