Environmental Tesiting Services
Industrial Exhaust Gas Detection
Industrial exhaust refers to all pollutant-containing gases emitted into the air during fuel combustion, production processes and production workshops. In terms of morphological analysis, industrial exhaust gases can be divided into particulate exhaust gases and gaseous exhaust gases.
Industrial exhaust gas detection includes organic and inorganic exhaust gas detection. Organic exhaust gases mainly include hydrocarbons, alcohols, aldehydes, acids, ketones and amines, etc.; inorganic exhaust gases mainly include sulfur oxides, nitrogen oxides, carbon oxides, halogens and their compounds.
LEN tests industrial exhaust gases in accordance with GB16297-1996, GB14554-1993 and other standards for its exhaust air volume, temperature, concentration, lead, benzo(a)pyrene, hydrogen cyanide, soot and its chemical and physical properties.
Atmospheric Pollution Monitoring
Atmospheric pollution, also known as air pollution, refers to the presence of one or more toxic and harmful pollutants in the atmosphere. The presence of these pollutants can seriously affect the safety and health of humans, plants and animals, or destroy property and disrupt comfortable living conditions, such as haze, black smoke, dust, carbon monoxide, and nitric oxide, which have emerged in recent years.
Atmospheric pollution refers to the phenomenon in which the concentration of pollutants in the atmosphere reaches harmful levels, exceeding environmental quality standards, destroying ecosystems, reducing the quality of human life, and causing harm to people and things.
The rapid development of the transportation industry has also become one of the main sources of air pollution. For example, the emissions from aviation, highways, ships and other transportation vehicles contain air pollutants such as nitric oxide (NO), nitrogen dioxide (NO2), sulfur dioxide (SO2), hydrocarbons, carbon monoxide (CO), lead oxide, benzene, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), etc. In addition, many factors have led to the development of gasoline and fuel oil. In addition, many factors lead to incomplete combustion of gasoline and fuels, and the use of tetraethyl lead as an anti-knock agent in gasoline. Exhaust gases from combustion can contain large amounts of polluting gases.

Surface/Groundwater Testing
Water is a precious natural resource that cannot be replaced for industrial and agricultural production, economic development and environmental improvement. In other words, water is a source of life and an extremely important earth resource. Surface water and groundwater testing is an important means of ensuring safe water quality. The Environmental Business Unit has advanced sampling equipment and analyzers for surface and groundwater testing, and offers a full range of surface and groundwater testing services and solutions using standard testing methods that are commonly used domestically and internationally.
LEN testing currently has the full capability of more than 100 test parameters listed in GB 3838 and GB/T 14848.
Industrial Wastewater Testing
Water is the blood of industry, but with the development of industry, the wastewater generated is becoming more and more serious and is an important cause of environmental pollution, especially water pollution. Therefore, industrial wastewater must meet a certain standard before it can be discharged or enter a wastewater treatment plant for treatment.
Industrial wastewater testing is a general term for the detection of wastewater, sewage and aquatic organisms discharged from the production process of an enterprise's factory.
Process wastewater testing includes production wastewater and production wastewater. According to the products and processing objects of industrial enterprises, it can be divided into paper wastewater, textile wastewater, tannery wastewater, pesticide wastewater, metallurgical wastewater, oil refining wastewater, and so on.
Soil Contaminant Testing
Soils are classified into three categories based on their application function and conservation objectives as measured by environmental soil testing.
Class I is mainly applied to the soil in the specified nature reserve (except the original background heavy metal content is high), centralized drinking water sources, tea plantations, pastures and other protected areas, and the soil quality basically maintains the natural background level.
Type II is mainly applied to general agricultural land, vegetable land, tea plantations, orchards, pastures, etc. The soil quality basically does not cause harm and pollution to plants and the environment.
Type III is mainly applied to forest soil, high background value soil with large pollutant capacity and agricultural soil near mineral resources (except vegetable land). Soil quality is essentially harmless and contaminant-free to plants and the environment.
Soil testing items.
1. General indicators: pH, total salt, chloride ion, sulfate, nitrate nitrogen, ammonium nitrogen, nitrite nitrogen and so on.
2. Heavy metal pollution: lead, arsenic, cadmium, chromium, mercury, nickel, copper, zinc and so on.
3. Trace elements: effective state iron, effective state manganese, effective state copper, effective state zinc, effective silicon, effective sulfur, exchangeable calcium, exchangeable magnesium, exchangeable potassium, exchangeable sodium and so on.
4. Fertility indicators: organic matter, organic carbon, total nitrogen, total phosphorus, total potassium, hydrolyzed nitrogen, effective phosphorus, fast-acting potassium.
5. Organic pollutants: mineral oil, volatile phenols, benzo(a)pyrene, total petroleum hydrocarbons, polychlorinated biphenyls, volatile organic compounds (VOCs).

Detection of Seawater And Marine Sediment
Seawater is a very complex multicomponent aqueous solution, and its various elements exist in certain physical and chemical forms. The main substances causing seawater pollution include waste water, waste residue, waste oil and various chemical substances.
With advanced sampling equipment and analytical instruments, len detection carries out environmental detection work such as marine water quality and marine sediment monitoring in strict accordance with national or industrial standards and specifications, providing you with one-stop service from sample collection, storage and transportation to marine organisms, coastal pollution ecological investigation and biological monitoring.
Marine water quality and sediment monitoring project:
1. Marine water quality monitoring items: water color, transparency, chlorophyll a, dissolved oxygen, pH, nutrients, suspended solids, COD, BOD5, copper (Cu), zinc (Zn), lead (PB), chromium (CR), total mercury (Hg), cadmium (CD), arsenic (as), oil, sulfide, etc.
2. Monitoring of marine sediments: grain size, type composition, redox potential, pH, organic matter, copper (Cu), zinc (Zn), lead (PB), total mercury (Hg), cadmium (CD), arsenic (as), aluminum (AL), boron (b), and so on Barium (BA), beryllium (be), cobalt (CO), iron (FE), lithium (LI), manganese (MN), molybdenum (MO), nickel (Ni), selenium (SE), tin (SN), polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), Organophosphorus pesticides, organosilicon, tributyltin (TBT), total phosphorus, total nitrogen, etc.
3. Interstitial water monitoring: dissolved oxygen, pH, nutrients, ammonia, zinc, lead, chromium, total mercury, arsenic, oil, sulfide, etc.
4. Biological monitoring: the key point is benthos monitoring, which requires monitoring of microorganisms, phytoplankton and zooplankton.